El “mentón arrebatado”: tendencia estelar del 2023.

Mentón arrebatado

Consigue un mentón arrebatado con DLM (Drenaje Linfático Manual), una técnica utilizada para ayudar con el cuidado postoperatorio después de la cirugía de mentón.

El mentón arrebatado es el look que todo el mundo busca. Si bien existen muchas técnicas que prometen ayudar a esculpir la línea de la mandíbula, la liposucción es una opción muy popular. La liposucción submentoniana es un procedimiento estético que tiene como objetivo eliminar el exceso de grasa localizada debajo del mentón.

If you’re looking for my snatched chin post in English, here it is.

Drenaje Linfático Manual

¿Qué es un mentón arrebatado?

Un mentón arrebatado es una línea de la mandíbula definida y apretada, sin papada ni tambaleo. Ariana Grande y Bella Hadid son dos celebridades que destacan por sus barbillas perfectamente esculpidas, convirtiéndolas en auténticos íconos de la belleza.

Mentón arrebatado - snatched chin

El mentón arrebatado en los medios de comunicación


El hashtag #chinlipo en TikTok es muy popular, con más de 60 millones de visitas. Muchos jóvenes creadores de contenido están optando por deshacerse de la papada de forma permanente.

Los filtros de TikTok son geniales y muchos jóvenes son creadores de contenido. Sin embargo, la papada puede ser un problema para algunos.

La Prensa

Incluso el venerable periódico británico “The Guardian” escribió un artículo sobre la tendencia. Aquí está el enlace (se abre en una nueva pestaña)

‘Mandíbula arrebatada’: cómo la barbilla se convirtió en el nuevo punto de presión de la moda


Puede ser difícil ver nuestros rostros devolviéndonos la mirada, una y otra vez. Algunas personas eligen procedimientos faciales para verse mejor en cámara. Pamela Madsen, una mujer positiva para el cuerpo si alguna vez hubo una, escribió en una publicación de Facebook de 2021:

 “…pero mi barbilla y mi cuello. No coincidían con mis entrañas. Y me enfrentaba a eso todo el tiempo, ya que paso mucho tiempo frente a la cámara. Durante unos tres años quise una intervención quirúrgica. Y si me han estado siguiendo — Ahora tengo unos 10 días después de la operación. Ya no me siento mal por mi cuello. De hecho, estoy teniendo la reunión más gloriosa con mi perfil. Incluso puedo decir que Amo mi cuello”.

Pamela Madsen, publicación de Facebook, 14 de agosto de 2021.

La apariencia importa, incluso para aquellos de nosotros que sabemos que lo que realmente importa es lo que hay dentro.

La importancia del cuidado posterior

Para obtener ese aspecto levantado, los rellenos inyectables son otra opción. El procedimiento que elija requerirá diferentes cuidados postoperatorios. No estoy calificado para asesorar sobre qué procedimiento es el mejor. Lo que sí sé es que el cuidado postoperatorio de la liposucción de mentón es importante. MLD (drenaje linfático manual) es el tratamiento estándar de oro para la hinchazón de todo tipo. La terapia de oscilación profunda HIVAMAT 200® ayuda a reducir las cicatrices, la inflamación y la hinchazón, facilitando una curación más rápida y menos molestias.

Contáctame para asesoramiento

Contact Rose Tint Your LIfe to make a booking. Contacta conmigo para concertar tu cita de drenaje linfático manual.

Utilice el botón de WhatsApp en la parte inferior derecha para enviarme un mensaje. Estoy felíz de ayudar.

#1 post-op care for Snatched Chin: Miraculous MLD

Snatched Chin

MLD (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) is a technique used to help with post-operative care after chin surgery.

MLD (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) is a technique used to help with post-operative care after chin surgery.

The snatched chin is the look everyone is going for. While there are many techniques that promise to help sculpt your jawline, liposuction is a very popular option. “Submental liposuction” involves the removal of fat deposits below the chin.

The snatched chin in the media


“The TikTok hashtag #chinlipo has nearly 60 million views with other young content creators ditching their double chins for good.”

Although the TikTok filters are amazing, and many of the content creators are young, the double chin is prominent, and thus problematic, for some.

The Press

Even the venerable British newspaper “The Guardian” wrote a piece about the trend. Here is the link (opens in a new tab)

‘Snatched jawline’: how the chin became fashion’s new pressure point


It can be hard to see our faces staring back at us, over and over. Some people choose facial procedures to look better on camera. Pamela Madsen, a body-positive woman if there ever was one, wrote in a Facebook post from 2021:

“…but my chin and neck. It didn’t match my insides. And I was confronted with it all the time, as I spend so much time in front of the camera. For about three years I wanted a surgical intervention. And if you have been following along — I am now about 10 days post-op. I don’t feel bad about my neck anymore. In fact, I am having the most glorious reunion with my profile. I can even say that I love my neck.”

Pamela Madsen, Facebook post, August 14, 2021.

Appearance matters, even to those of us who know that what really matters is what’s inside.

The Importance of Aftercare

To get that lifted look, injectable fillers are another option. Which procedure you choose will require different post-operative care. I am not qualified to advise on which procedure is best. What I do know is that post-operative care for chin liposuction is important. MLD is the gold-standard treatment for swelling of all types. Alongside the use of HIVAMAT 200® Deep Oscillation Therapy, scars, inflammation and swelling can be significantly reduced, leading to faster healing and less discomfort.

Contact me for advice

Please use the WhatsApp button on the bottom right to send me a message. I am happy to help.

Trust me! I promise you this: 7 solid assurances

Rose Tint Your Life social media banner for blog post "7 solid assurances"

Trust is the pillar of the therapeutic relationship. Trust is implicit and part of our code of ethics. After a treatment, I always thank people for “trusting my hands”. The body is what holds it all together – the font of sensorial information, the reservoir of emotion, and the source of much of our sense of personal identity. Here are seven solid assurances that I give you, should you decide to book with me.

I won’t hurt you:

It still surprises me how many people think that massage needs to be painful to be effective. Let me promise you this: my massage is deep but never painful. The art of massage is finding the right degree of pressure for a given area, then working just at the edge between pleasure and pain.

Good pain vs bad pain

Trust me! I promise you this:  7 solid assurances

Different people describe pain differently, depending on language and culture. But, there exists a common feeling that crosses boundaries: there is a kind of pain that feels good. Like pressing a bruise, there is a kind of pressure that eases the ache. Scientists call this the “pain-gate theory“. There is a point at which the Central Nervous System ceases to send/receive more nervous impulses. At this point, there is a dulling of the sensation. A good massage therapist knows this and works with the pain-gate theory to get just the right pressure to be healing without being overwhelming.

I will take the time to interview you and understand your history.

The therapeutic relationship is extremely important. The body is the temple of the spirit/soul (or whatever name you wish to give it). Putting yourself in the hands of an unknown therapist is an act of trust. So, I promise that I will always take the time to ask about injuries, pathologies, recent surgeries, past experiences with bodywork, what kind of sport or activity you do, what fragrances you like and dislike, and anything else that may come up. This is the time that I invest in you, I don’t charge extra for the first session. All of my patients know that I am generous in my booking times, and a good listener.

I won’t chat all the way through the massage.

Again, it seems strange to have to say it, but believe me, there are a lot of therapists who will chat right the way through the massage. Of course, in the context of a healing space, you may want to chat. We can even have a coaching session if you need some help to make a decision or choose a path. In this case, the conversation is centered on you and forms part of the therapy.

At the same time, maybe you simply need a quiet and private space to air your thoughts. The massage room offers this, too. But, I promised you that what I won’t do is fill your hour with chit-chat about my life, what I did at the weekend, my DIY projects, or my car insurance renewal. This list is only partly ironic – I have been talked to about all these sorts of things, and more, when receiving massages. So, promise number 3 – peace and quiet if that’s what you need.

The space is serene and there are few outside noises. Unlike in a busy polyclinic or therapy center, there are no loud voices in the hallway, ringing phones, or strident doorbells.

If appropriate, I will recommend some simple movements to help reduce your pain and help you move more freely.

I am a qualified yoga teacher with a long professional history. The objective of physical therapy must always be rehabilitation and freedom. If you arrive with pain or a compensation-type limitation of range of motion, and I have a safe, therapeutic exercise for you to do at home, I will recommend them.

I won’t rush.

Massage usually last about an hour. It takes at least that long to treat the whole body. When I was training, learning to fit a good treatment into 60 minutes was nearly the greatest challenge!

As an independent therapist, I carefully schedule my bookings so that I don’t have too many back-to-back treatments. This means that I can work peacefully and that you don’t feel hurried after the treatment. This sense of ease helps the mind-body to truly relax and improves the outcome of the treatment.

You will be adequately covered and warm.

Being warm and comfortable during massage is hugely important. The first time I received a massage in Spain, I was very surprised to be left uncovered. In the UK, where I trained, “towelology” or draping was one of the most important aspects. Not only for modesty but also for comfort. I also use an electric blanket during the winter months. I promise you that you won’t be cold or exposed!

I won’t body shame or judge you.

Bodies come in all shapes and sizes. My space is a safe place and LGBTQI-friendly.

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